Friday, June 29, 2012

Cover Reveal for Transcend

Today is the big Masquerade Blogfest for Christine Fonseca's Transcend in which we all get to reveal the cover with her and learn secrets about both her and all the participants. As the cover designer I am thrilled to be participating. 

Here is the cover Christine is hailing as my best yet (gotta love that girl):

You know, she might be right. I have to admit, it is pretty amazing. But I can't take all the credit. Christine's input was essential in the creation. Now I have to take off my mask and reveal a secret. Some of you know this secret, but not all do. My secret: I am Heather McCorkle, author, cover designer, Publisher and Editing Director of Compass Press. To read the rest of the secrets from the participants in the tour, and to enter to win some outstanding prizes, be sure to check out Christine's blog.