
Error Detection: I can do an error detection of your formatted eBook or printed book which is a last look for anything that may be wrong such as bad spacing, wrong punctuation, wrong word, duplicate words, anything that may jump out at a reader and make your manuscript look unprofessional. While I will catch many grammar errors (if they exist), but this is not a full edit and is not intended to be a way around editing.

Up to 70,000 words: $55 so long as the errors aren't so extensive that the average is more than 10 errors a page. More than 10 errors a page will incur an additional charge of $1.00 per page that exceeds 10 errors.

70,001 to 100,000 words: $75 so long as the errors aren't so extensive that the average is more than 10 errors a page. More than 10 errors a page will incur an additional charge of $1.00 per page that exceeds 10 errors.

100,001 to 130,000 words: $150 so long as the errors aren't so extensive that the average is more than 10 errors a page. More than 10 errors a page will incur an additional charge of $1.00 per page that exceeds 10 errors.

130,001 to 150,000 words: $200 so long as the errors aren't so extensive that the average is more than 10 errors a page. More than 10 errors a page will incur an additional charge of $1.00 per page that exceeds 10 errors.

Sorry, I don't work on anything over 150,000 words.

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